Friday, October 24, 2008

Soccer girls

After a lazy morning at grandma and grandpa's (well, lazy for Eric and I who slept in until noon), we took Bertle to Eric's former high school and let him run around on the football field. The high school girls were just finishing up soccer practice and stretching on the field. They started oogling as Bertle fearlessly ran toward them, clapping his hands. The whole team started clapping and it was hilarious to watch Bertle's face he and the girls took turns clapping. It's amazing how, through the eyes of a toddler, the whole world exists just for them..."i can make a whole field of soccer girls clap just by clapping my hands."

Later that night, Eric and I went out again, though this time Bertle was very upset when we left. Eric's mom told us later that Rocky Balboa of Bethel Park, PA (their pug) was so concerned that he curled up next to Bertle on grandma's lap and licked him to sleep.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

First Day in Pittsburgh

After a surprisingly easy cross-country flight to the 'burgh, Bertle enjoyed seeing the sights of Pittsburgh for the first time, including lunch atop Mt. Washington and the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. He even found the particular dinosaur from which he evolved--"Protoceratops Andrewsi." See the resemblance? That evening, Eric and I enjoyed a night out to celebrate our 4-year anniversary while grandma and grandpa babysat.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

When there's nothing else to do....

put your 1-year old in a basket and push him around. We haven't figured out how to improve the quality of our videos, but Eric insisted that I put this on the blog despite the poor quality. Needless to say we were bored and in need of a few giggles. Oh, and in case you were wondering, that is indeed a Hooter's shirt that my innocent son is wearing, thanks to our friend Ken Rogers, who knows just what to buy for a Bertle who has everything.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Firetrucks and Ducks

We got up early this morning (well, actually the same time we get up every morning--will 7 am ever not seem early??!) Anyway, we went to the Menlo Park Firefighters Pancake Breakfast, where we ran into some friends, some firetrucks, some rescue dogs, and some balloons. Later in the day we went to Shoreline Park, where Bertle enjoyed looking at the ducks, er, geese....Shoreline is a pretty park but it was hard to determine who smelled worse: Bertle's bum or the excessive geese poop.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bertle is One!

It's hard to believe that a whole year has passed! Bertle has learned so much in his short life, including how to walk (and now run--augh!!!!), how to talk (our favorite words are blueberry, turtle, water, duck, doggie, vroom vroom), and (most importantly for my own sanity) how to sleep. He seems to have opinions and preferences, including a love for water, dogs, banging on things, pizza, ice cream (thanks to his Aunts Tara and Marissa), ducks, and books. Bertle is constantly in motion and always has one toy in his hand and one toy in his mouth. Here are some pictures from his birthday, including a celebration at daycare and opening presents.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Last Day in Wichita

Today is our last day in Wichita. We are sad to say goodbye, but excited to see Eric. Here are some more pictures from the weekend, including Bertle with Maddie, Aunt Tara and Yak, and Grandpa and Grandma.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Wichita Birthday

After meeting his Great-Grandma Elizabeth, Bertle got to enjoy an early birthday celebration in Wichita. He loved his birthday cake but quickly got distracted by that garden hose. Grandpa Len thought it would be funny to turn on the water right as Bertle was sticking the hose in his mouth. We are having so much fun in Wichita but missing Eric. Bertle lights up with a huge smile when I show him the video Eric made of himself on our camera.